Tulling Through Downtown

 So second post here! Too hype. I wanted to write sometime like betulle-iful but wasn't that good of a pun so instead I chose Tulling Through Downtown (like twirling but a million times better). But my friends and I had a fun adventure day in downtown Savannah. And so I decided to try and channel a little Audrey while having a bad hair day. Really simple and cheap items here, I haven't done laundry in a minute and so ta-da! I bought a bunch of these basics shirts at target and they are my go to with my patterned skirts. The tulle skirt I bought forever ago at Charlotte Russe. Not sure if what I linked was the exact skirt but rather similar and from the same shop. I bought this scarf from target spur of the moment during a target run, but it ended up being way too long to wear as a vintage hair scarf or as a scarf so I cut it in half and now it works as both!

This particular time I wore my Kat Von D Nahz Fur Atoo. I switched from my smashbox disorderly lipstick to this one as my standard. It does not withstand dog kisses or buttery olive garden bread, which is mostly what my day consists of, so that is a tragedy. Other than that no complaints at all, really easy to apply which is good for me.

Until next time, 

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