Conquering My Fear of the Pencil Skirt

Okay so idealistic Hailey has made a ton of New Years Revolutions. And one of them is to conquer my intense fear of pencil skirts. I literally just never wore them, but there are only so many fit and flare skirts a girl can own before it starts to feel a little repetitive. So I pick this terrifying skirt with a slit up the side, A SLIT!!! It is completely crazy.
I like strutting around in this outfit. My whole mindset lately is really just happy and nostalgic and this outfit fits this mindset wonderfully. I was walking around barnes and noble with the la la land soundtrack played in the background. It is a wonderful life, I love it. And this outfit completes that feeling. I love the pop of color with the yellow shoes, which I have had for years but I was always way too scared to wear them. 
But now I am wearing them as they deserve. I thrifted the shoes from this place in Augusta called Final Cut. It is a god sent store. It sells the clothes that had small flaws and so it couldn't sell at like anthropology or urban outfitters. These shoes were 10$!!! Travel to Augusta just for that store. And leave way before you decide you like it and want to move because it is the worst place. 
I bought this skirt from Top Vintage but it is Steady brand. Top Vintage has a lot of amazing clothes. It's cheaper than most websites I get my clothes at. But also it ships from the Netherlands so it takes about a month and a half to get to the US. Which is inconvenient, but for some things I am just like #worthit.

My last post included how I plan to read a ton of feminism awesome empowering books. I started with Anna Kendrick's Scrappy Little Nobody. I love Anna Kendrick. But I did not love it. It wasn't relatable content for me, cause I didn't grow up on Broadway. Or have like any of the same experiences as she did. She bragged about never being a rule breaker growing and then doing molly. Which is breaking the FREAKING LAW.
But she brought up some great points on people's opinions of fashion which I will discuss in my next post. I promise it will not be another 3 weeks.

Until Next Time,

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